Friday, March 31, 2017

Life without electricity essay

Are there any other means or standards that measure a country's success? Give your opinion. All high or secondary school students should be taught how to manage money, because it is an important life skill. How can this problem be solved? Give any relevant examples from your own experience. Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it's a negative one. People working different jobs should have holidays of different length, do you agree or disagree? What are reasons? Other working parents think that family members such as grandparents will be better carers for their kids. Few languages are increasingly spoken in different countries, while the usage of others is rapidly declining. Which way is better? What are the reasons contributing to this? Usually students have to study a range of different subjects. Why and how should they do it? Living Without Electricity Life Without Todays Conveniences You walk into your house today, flick a switch, and you expect a light to come on. You press a Nowadays traffic jams are becoming a big problem in most cities and bigger towns. What approach is better in your opinion? Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages? However others believe that there are other choices that can be made. Essay writer! Do you think eating together is important to people in your country? What are the causes and possible solutions? Discuss both views, give your opinion and support it with relevant examples. These days many people do business or study at home due to computer technology, discuss the positive and negative sides of it. Nowadays people get married and have children after the age of 30. Express your view on both, give examples. Some parents and teachers believe that children's behaviour should be strictly controlled, while others think that children should be allowed to grow up in their own way. Schools should concentrate more on academic subjects which could be more beneficial for the children in the future.

Write and cite from personal experience. Discuss and give your point of view. What can be the reasons? Use examples from your own experience and give reasons for your answer. Some people say that a large part of the information we get is incorrect. Is it a positive trend? What measures could be taken to encourage children to spend more time outdoors? In many countries private companies make their employees wear uniform to work. Some people think that modern inventions have brought more problems than benefits. Professional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers make a greater contribution to society and so should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities. Others say that it has little or no use at all. Children are experiencing social, educational and commercial pressure. Give your opinion and examples, based on your own experience. Some people think that children should learn to obey and do as parents and teachers say. Is it a positive or negative phenomenon? Do you think wearing uniform to work is necessary? People in developed countries have the tendency to buy more and more things (whether they need them or not). Economic progress is one factor that is being considered to measure the success of a country, but there are other factors that should be considered when measuring the success of a country. Expert! Some people think that students study more efficiently in groups, others argues that studying separately is better. In many countries airlines are dropping their prices. Some people believe that a staff who has been working for long time in the company should be promoted to the senior level. The topic was about what is a good way of assisting poor countries in solving poverty, other than financial aids from rich countries. Some people think that men and women have different qualities, which is why men are suitable for some types of jobs and women - for different types of jobs. Discuss the advantages of both ways and give your opinion. Economic status is believed to measure a country's success by many people. The essay was regarding the old people, what is the better way for old people to live, with their family or separately or with the same old aged people. Quality of life in big cities is worsening. Discuss and offer some relevant examples from your own experience. Nowadays parents are leaving their children with someone else during the day, when they are at work. Others, however, support and reward students that improved their grades. How should the governments encourage people to stay in the small regional towns? What are the reasons for this situation? Do you think this is negative or positive development? Some people agree with this but others believe it is unfair. What is your opinion on this change? Some people say that it is important to save them, others say that we must solve the problems of humans instead. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniform? In order to improve safety on our roads more severe punishment should be established for driving offenses. In the modern age, some people believe that it is not necessary to teach children the handwriting skills. Reading books can develop our imagination better than watching TV, do you agree or disagree? Some people prefer to live in hot climates and like the activities and lifestyle of hot climates, whereas some people love the lifestyle of cold climates. Do you believe that positive impacts of computers outweigh negative impacts on our daily life? What are the reasons that parents spend less time with their children? In your opinion, what things can art tell us about life that science can not? People in the city do not get to interact and know their neighbours, thereby losing community life. Children can learn effectively from watching television, which is why it should be encouraged at school and at home. The topic was about the zoos in the 21st century - do we agree or disagree that animals should be kept in the men-made cells. How university education is important for employment as well as for other activities?

Life without electricity essay

This situation creates competition among individuals. Why is it important? Some people prefer to spend their free time with people of same age group, while others prefer to spend time with people of all age groups. What do you think the reasons are? How is it affecting family life and the society as a whole? Therefore it is necessary to persuade people to use cars more and air travel less. What are the effects of this on children, family and society? Is it a good or bad thing? Many historic buildings are being destroyed or damaged. Give some examples based on your own experience. Some people say that schools do not do enough to teach young people to look after their health. Nowadays people are becoming less and less polite. Some parents let their children live in another country or a bigger city and study in a college. Teaching primary school students foreign languages has more advantages than disadvantages. What is causing this? Write down what is your opinion about this and its influence on the individuals and society. Many people believe that companies and individuals should pay to clean up the environment in proportion to the amount of pollution they have produced. Give some examples and include relevant experiences in your response. Please include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. Some see it as a necessity, while others think that this is a waste of money. What are the causes to this pressure? Nowadays people are getting married and having children in their thirties. What is your opinion about a success of a team: does it depend on mental attitude of the whole team or on the strongest individuals? Some say that economic development is the solution to poverty; others say it is the cause of poverty. What is your own opinion? Do the disadvantages of this development to the society outweigh the advantages? To want extent you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. Advertising industry has a huge influence on the society. Are they good? To think of life without electricity is almost impossible today. Elec­tricity provides all the comforts of life. We find ourselves completely helpless and feel its Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your experience. Fashion can affect people's lives in a positive or a negative way. Most people watch foreign films first, before locally produced films. Others, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence. Throughout the centuries the world has been governed by men and the result was that human history is full of violence and conflicts. Some believe that an easier hobby is more beneficial than a difficult hobby. Some people think that students who finished high school need to have a year of break or a holiday before continuing their study in a university. Who should take care of them? News is playing a vital role in our life today and people are getting much influenced by the news now. Suggest a solution to the problem. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method for the students? Discuss, what is your opinion. Why do you think this is happening? Do you think this is a positive or negative development? Nowadays for many people the Internet is replacing regular books. Write an essay on how young people's behaviour is influenced by their peers. Do you agree/ disagree? Children should spend their time reading serious educational books. Is it really important to have these ambitions? Some believe in order to protect the environment from any pollution the air travel should be reduced. Nowadays an increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several times during their life. To what extent do you agree with this idea? Environmental problems such as pollution and climate change affect all the people in the world. How can employers reduce the stress and what can do employees themselves to solve this problem? Some people say it is a good thing, but others disagree. Present both sides and give your personal opinion. How can the risk be minimised? Why did the advertising change? Modern lifestyle has made it harder for people to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Some people think that a car is the best way to travel in cities while others believe a bicycle is a better way. Does this have a positive or a negative effect on people? Use your own experience and examples. Why in your opinion do these people grow to this age, give examples. However, some people feel that governments should be concerned more with solving the problems of human life. Discuss both views and express your own opinion. What effect it has on an individual and the society? Should university level students live away from their parents? To what extent do you agree / disagree? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? I tend to agree more with the latter and will outline my view below. Do you disagree or agree? Explain this with your ideas and relevant examples. Give your own opinion and examples. What is Electricity? Electricity is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. As a matter of fact, it can even kill you. The most vital part of Many people think that money brings happiness, but others think that having too much money is a problem. Some people think the competitive sports have positive effect on the child's education, while others argue it is not so. Many people spend a lot of money on clothes, haircuts, and beauty products to enhance their appearance. Do you think it is good for the society as a whole? What are the positive and negative impacts of hosting such events? Nowadays we see a lot of advertisement. Order essay! Some people believe that subjects such as Music, Arts, Drama and Creative Writing will contribute a great deal to children's development; therefore they should take a large part of the school timetable. Give reasons from your daily life. In most parts of the world people are living longer. What can the government do to overcome such circumstances? We are seeing a significant increase in online shopping today. Some people prefer to spend more time improving their careers. Do you think it is a good or a bad trend? Others, however, claim that such occupations are not suitable for women. The essay was about protecting animal species from extinction. What are the effects of watching too much TV or playing computer games on children? Give examples from your experience. What actions could be taken to prevent this? Why do people walk less? Some people think that cars should be banned from large cities. Nowadays people are living longer and some believe that this can contribute to people's development. Nowadays TV news shows a lot of disaster scenes and violence. In conclusion, while the determination to live by oneself may offer some benefits to the people involved, it is more of a negative development in the modern society. Children often find it difficult to study maths and philosophy. This is a real risk, for such connections are believed to be fundamental to the prosperity and stability of any community. What are the causes of this and what do you think should be done about it? Others believe that countryside offers a better environment for children. Nowadays a huge amount of advertisement aimed at children. Students are working for short periods of time in organizations for free, as a part of their education. Some people are of the opinion that children should be rewarded for good behaviour. It's important for the government to spend more money on promotion of people's health rather than medical treatment. An increase in the production of consumer goods results in danger for the environment.

However advertisers claim that they pass useful information. Do you think that it is good to make such changes? Some people disagree with this point of view, discuss. Give your opinion and examples based on your own experience. Many people are moving in to the big cities. Some people think that women should take part in the military or the police force, but others oppose to this idea. With the technology available today there is no justification for it, and everything should be done online. Spirit Airline Pilot and Wife Found Dead by Kids After Possible Overdose Death 'Had Their Problems': Friend Should it be compulsory or not? Some say that the government should stop supporting the professional sports activities and the cultural performances, and instead begin supporting schools to encourage children to take up sports and arts. Do the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? These days people pay more attention to artists (writers, painters and so on) and give less importance to science and technology. How this change will affect children's life in your view? Modern technology has a great impact on our environment. The housing shortage today in big cities can have severe social consequences. Dissertation (etc) for me. Give your opinion and support it with examples. Discuss both views, and give your own opinion. How does it affect people's habits in their adult life? What is the reason for this situation and what action should be taken to fix it? Some believe that money is the main reason. Others claim that they should have freedom to choose their favourite activities. Some people say language courses using the internet and allowing you to talk to somebody is a good way to learn.

Give relevant examples. Instead these monies can be spent on encouraging young children to take up sports at a young age. How does it make an impact on the environment? What are the causes? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of private secondary school. If the government in your country decides to invest in the film industry, will you support them to do so and why? Nowadays the amount of people who live till 100 is increasing. Some people think that it is the responsibility of the supermarkets to reduce the packaging of their products, but others think that it is consumers' responsibility. But now, since it is becoming an international issue, it is time to take environmental protection to a higher level. Do you think the positive impact of this outweighs the negative one? Do the positive effects outweigh the negative effects? Nowadays some families are moving to other countries because of their work. What are the difficulties that people face while learning a foreign language? What do you think are the reasons for this? Global climate has changed, should transport be reduced on the roads, e.g. Indian teenagers, for example, are being constantly encouraged to watch more and more as they enjoy. These days many people leave their county to work abroad and take their family with them. Others think that they should be funded by private businesses or by children's families. Discuss, what is your opinion? Do you think there are more advantages or disadvantages to this approach? Which type of education would be a better choice these days, in your opinion? Some say that this has a negative effect on children as well as their family. Do you think the advantages of credit cards overweight the disadvantages? Discuss both view and give your opinion. Some say that children should spend more time working on school projects from an early age, others believe that young children should spend more time playing and have less stress at school. Free tutorials! Provide your view and examples from your own experience. Who do you think can influence them more, family or society, to change their attitude? Usage of private cars is increasing day by day. What are the reasons behind this? Some people say the government should make laws to restrict fast foods and to change nutrition habits of people for healthier ones. Some say that artists (musicians, writers, painters) should be supported by the government. Newspapers and magazines will not be available in the near future because large amounts of information from the Internet will replace them. What can be done to solve the problem? Some think that news and media have too much influence on people's lives. Provide examples to support your opinion. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Some people say that mobile phone plays a major role in their professional life. Is it a positive development? As a young woman, becoming a painter was not a part of Frida's career goals. Her goal in life was to become a doctor but a tragic accident at age 18 What are the possible reasons for this? Essay On Uses Of Electricity, Paragraph on Uses Of Electricity, Essay On Life Without Electricity, advantages and disadvantages of electricity Give reasons. Is this a positive or a negative trend? Some people think one should stay all their life in the same job, whereas others advocate changing jobs from time to time. Discuss both sides and state your opinion. The topic was about reasons why people have children older, why is this happening? Some people think young people should be required to continue education until they are 18 years old. From an economic perspective, the trend towards living alone will result in greater demand for housing. Which of two school types is better for children and why? In some countries young people at the age of eighteen are considered adults and can drive a car, vote and get married, while other countries don't allow it. For this reason the algorithm terminates what would life be like without electricity essay. Te moral to be harmonized with the political elites, the

Give your opinion whether it is positive or negative for development? Give examples. Give your views and your opinion. Discuss and present your own ideas. Cultural traditions are being used for money making purposes, especially for tourists. Sometimes students are working for companies for free. Can it be simply avoided if the country takes an environmentally friendly approach? Please have these questions from real IELTS exams. Give your opinion and examples from personal experience. There is a trend of increasing competitiveness in today's society. Is it so important to start that early? Will it have a positive or a negative impact, what is your opinion? An argument topic about the benefits of a life as a celebrity was given. Coursework! Some believe that crime prevention will make no difference, others disagree. Many people believe that there has been a general increase in the antisocial behaviour and decrease in respect for other people nowadays. In 1966, a young chemist suggested a radical new theory for how life might have begun on Earth. Fifty years on, we ask if there was any truth in his ideas Many people believe that women should be given an equal role to men in the military forces or police. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? How much can we trust the journalists? To what extent to you agree or disagree with this statement? Some people think that in primary schools science and technology should be compulsory subjects rather than history and geography, because these subjects are a waste of time. Do you think the number of sporting facilities should be increased for the benefit of the public, discuss, what is your opinion? Nowadays, we can do daily tasks such as shopping, banking and business transactions without meeting face to face. In some countries shops manufacture and sell their own products and some people believe that it is a positive development; others see this as a negative development. Some think it is important for their future, others think the extra time should be spent playing. Some people say that the amount of international travel is likely to reduce in the future. Over the last few years more and more students enrol in universities. What are the reasons for this? Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of this trend. Technology progression has a negative impact on us. Explain and give reasons from your own experience. Some people believe that a vertical city in which people work and live in tall buildings is a good idea. Some people say that university students should use their own money to pay for their studies, because it benefits individuals rather than the whole society. However, some researches show that people in developing countries are happy with this trend; whilst people in developed countries are not happy about it. Why do you think this is the case? Your views of advantages / disadvantages of living in apartment blocks, with personal experiences or instances if any. Is it a positive or a negative quality? Nowadays both scientists and tourists can go to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Give your own opinion and support it with examples. The government has to provide primary and secondary education, but for university education so (students, their parents etc) should pay. Others say that the government should help with tuition fees. Some say the government should take preventive steps to avoid them.
Life without electricity essay - No fails with our trustworthy writing services. experience the advantages of professional writing help available here Quality and Do you think positive effects of advertising outweigh negative effects? Consumer goods become cheaper now, do you think advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages? Theoretical subjects like mathematics, philosophy and economics should be removed from the university education, whereas most of the students are interested in taking practical subjects such as computer programming, engineering and so on. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Give some examples for and against according to your knowledge. Nowadays some governments encourage industrial factories and businesses to move out of large cities. Some people say that teaching foreign language to children in primary school is good and that advantages of teaching foreign language early outweigh the disadvantages. They claim that good restaurants are better and can make modern living easier and less stressful. Some people say public speaking should be taught at school. Some people think that secondary school children should study international news while others think that it is waste of valuable school time. Buy essay. Advertisements of toys and fast food nowadays are usually aiming at children. Explain in detail how it is affecting us. Some companies and organizations require their employees to wear uniform. Some children have problems at home and difficulties at school. Nowadays jobs become more stressful and workers stay longer at work. Why do you think this happens? Give your opinion and include examples from your own experience. Explain your views, state your opinion and provide justification for it. How important is it for individuals and the country to think and do something for the future? Nowadays, there were many similarity between cultures all over the world.

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